Friday, November 2, 2012

Random post->about my goal

   I'd like to write about my goal for THIS SEMESTER again. Sometimes, thing you have planned can change when it's needed. I think it's time for me to change my goal and plan for this semester. I tried to stay calm and keep patience about my scores from the mid-term, but after I've checked all the score, I think it would be better for me to get stress from the score right now.
   I planned to study without getting any stress at the beginning of the semester. However, I realized that it was wrong. There is nothing you can do without getting a stress. Even playing sports or game can become a cause of a stress. I did not think about that, and whenever I was tired of studying, I would just go up to my bed and sleep or play game. With this kind of behavior, I will never make any positive change this semester. Lesson I learned from the mid-term is that when you really want to achieve something, getting a stress is inevitable.
   Plus, I got some stress for a foolish reason. I've got a stress because I've been studying for a good grade this semester. Receiving a good grade requires a perfection. Since I'm not, and never was a perfectionist, trying to study perfectly gave me a lots of stress. Because it was stressful, I gave up too early. I think there is no problem with getting a stress, but getting a stress that I can avoid will be very harmful to me.
  Right now at this point, I need a stress. I've barely lived with stress until now. However, in order to make a change, I need a strong stimulants. From now on, until the end of the semester, my goal is to forget about my score from the mid-term and not study for the grade. Plus, I will try not to avoid from getting a stress because without stress, I will be just sitting on the chair playing computer games.


  1. I think is is great idea:). I think sometimes we have to face the stress and it will be good when we are trying to enjoy it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stress can be healthy indeed. Comfort leads to complacency. Stress has led us to invent the wheel because we got stressed out by carrying stuff all the time. Good observatins.
