Thursday, September 20, 2012

Last Day of Track, Revision #1

    Wehn I lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, I participated in a school track&field team. Every single day running in the track meet was memorable to me. All among that, the Conference track meet was most memorable meet. About ten schools participated. I was supposed to run in three events. Right before the race, I heard a guy from the other school talking to his teammate, who was about to run in the same round with me, saying,
"Dude, you are definitely beating that Asian and go to the final round."
    I felt bad to hear such a thing. However, after the race started, I and the other guy were running 1st and 2nd. It was quite hard to tell who was going to win until we jumped over the last hurdle. After the last hurdle, I ran as fast as I could as my left foot landed on the ground. My friends were cheering for me, and I wanted to prove that asian can run fast, too. As I sprinted after the last hurdle, I easily passed the guy who was an inch in front of me.As a result, I was able to advance to the final round. I placed fourth afterall, which was satisfying result for me.
   The problem started in the 4X100m relay. I was nearly out of my mind because it was too hot that day. As a starter, I started running late because I couldn't concentrate. Despite my late start our relay team came in fourth, but as 2nd and 3rd team was disqualified, our team ended up second. After the 4X100m relay, 4X200m relay remained. Because I was too tired to start, I went to coach and said,
"Coach, can I be the third runner? I don't think I'll be able to start as usual,"
and the coach said
"Okay, sure, go tell Ian to change place with you and be the starter."
I was able to be the third runner. Our team was coming in sixth place. As the second runner passed the baton, I ran as fast as I could, but soon I became tired due to hot weather.
"It's too hot. I feel like giving up and just walk. Should I walk? But it's my last race. I won't be able to do such a special thing when I go back to Korea. I will not give up!"
I decided to run as fast as I could for the remaining 100m. However, I wasn't able to catch a runner in front of me. I felt really bad. I was about to faint, and our track team could have won the conference championship.
    As I arrived home, I posted on my facebook wall saying,
"It was my worst race ever. If I started a bit faster in the 4X100m relay, we could have placed first. If I ran like usual in the 4X200m relay, we could have done better. If I ran faster, we could have won the championship. I feel terrible today :("
      I spent my time blaming myself. However, I was surprised when I went back into my facebook wall. My friends left comments saying,
"It was too hot. It's alright!"
"You did your best."
It changed my mind when I read what my coach left on my status: "Hyrum , whatever you say, you are the bast. I know you could have run faster if it weren't for the hot weather. However, I was happy to see you not giving up. As I told you before, there was a guy who walked during the race because he was too tired, but you were different. Although you were tired, you didn't give up. It's not about winning or losing, but about the spirit. I'm proud of you!"
      The letter from coach made me feel better, and I learned a lesson.
Every competition, including sports, is not about the result, but your behavior. Although I lost the race, I was happy that I had a passion that stopped me from giving up the race.

1 comment:

  1. Seems much improved. Great picture! It adds lots of character.
