Friday, September 14, 2012

Free Writing

   Because I'm a bit tired now, I would like to make my post short. I had a great day so far. I sprained my ankle a week ago. I sprained my ankle a lot of time because of 'prehallux syndrome'. People who has this syndrome have unnecessary bone, also called accessory navicular, in their feet. Some people who has this syndrome has weak feet when the bone pressures the muscle. Because of my weak feet, I sprained my ankle four times in past ten months.Since I hurted my ankle a lot in a short time, I felt necessary to take a rest.
   First time to sprain my ankle was last October, I sprained both ankle in a week. However, I couldn't stop myself from playing basketball, so I did, with sprained ankle, and even ran four kilometer in KMLA with it. At that time, I didn't felt necessary to take a rest, which resulted my ankle sprained for six months. Because I learned that taking a rest after I get hurt is important, I took a rest for a week. I didn't play basketball or run for a week. Since I was very active in sports, it was hard for me to resist all these. Not being able to play sports made my life boring, and I couldn't find any fun things to do other than sports.
   Today, I finally started playing basketball again in first self-study time. Although I couldn't play well because I didn't play it for a week, I was happy that my ankle was healed enough to play basketball. I felt so proud of myself, because not playing a basketball at all for a week, was a hard decision to follow, but I did. However, it doesn't mean that I can play basketball two hours everyday. I am sure that I still need to take a rest, but my life won't be boring anymore because at least I'll be able to play basketball twice to three times a week.

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